The Nigg Bell
Michael Burgerhuys, m.e.f. 1624 Soli deo Gloria
They could not know the bell’s sound
until it was hoisted and swung, free
from dumbing bonds of tow and rag;
pulled up, just to where rope unbound
the earthfast tongue and they might see
it whole, weighty, pendulant. The gag
off. Unstruck. Still. All its determined round
tone bodied on a spine of gravity,
Dutch metal seeded by Scots air, and big
with song. Rung, clear of the ground,
Burgerhuys’s bell dropped it first bronzy
circle round the kirk of Nigg.
I walk a little more upright in its sound:
vertebrae strung like notes in one key,
waiting for the lift, the upward tug.